Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of 14th-18th

This is going to be a fabulous fun filled week!  

Homework: No Homework this week. Please just encourage your child to read when they can and do FASST math if they have technology available to them.

 Important Dates:

Dec 14 Chili's Night 4-9

Dec 17th (Thursday)Winter Party 2:30-3:15pm If you plan on taking your child home early this day, please be sure to send a note or contact the front office of the change in advance

Dec 18th(Friday) Early Dismissal/ Pajama Day 

Monday, December 7, 2015

*Correction* Week of Dec. 7th-11th

Math Graphing Project Due-Very Important! * Please see below for more details.
Reading: Reading log. 
Writing: Word Study Homework
Study for Word Study Test This Friday! Play these games below on phone/ ipad/ computer

Study Sight words Assessment #5 

This week we are learning:
Math-assessment Tuesday the 8th then starting personal financial literacy: coins, saving, spending, borrowing, loaning money.

Science: students will be able to describe and sort rocks by their size, color, and texture.

Math: graphing project-students will choose a question to ask. They will then make a tally chart with answers from 15 people. They will then show that data in a pictograph or bar graph. Students may use notebook paper, construction paper, or a poster to show data. They may also use: crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, stickers, etc. Be creative! 

This project will be 10% of math grade.

Reading: Students will be learning about character relationships, feelings, behaviors, and motivations across a chapter book series. Students are reading in book clubs.

Writing: Opinion Writing

Social Studies: Landforms/ Bodies of water Quiz this Friday!! For quick practice quiz click here

Important Dates:

December 11th(Friday)- Word Study Test
Dec 17th (Thursday)Winter Party 2:30-3:15pm
Dec 18th(Friday) Early Dismissal/ Pajama Day

Monday, November 30, 2015

Week of November 30- December 4th

Week of November 30- December 4

Math: Math Worksheet
Reading: Reading log. 
Writing: Word Study Homework
Don't forget about Sight words Assessment #4!!!! Study tonight! 

This week we are learning:

Math: This week students will be looking more deeply into graphing. We went over graphing at the beginning of the school year. As we revisit, we will be paying close attentions to the data that we collect and have a strong understanding of why and when we use graphs in real life. Students should be able to explain the length of a bar in a bar graph or the number of pictures in a pictograph represents the number of data points for a given category. They will be able to organize a collection of data with up to four categories using pictographs with intervals of one or more. Students will be taking a Graphing Quiz on Thursday after having many opportunities to explore graphs such as scoots around the room. If time permits, students will also be going to review stations to continue to work on previous taught skills such as place value and adding and subtracting throughout the week.

Science: Students will continue to look closely at matter this week in science. This week students will be classifying matter by physical properties including shape, mass, temperature, flexibility, as well as determine the state of matter. (Solid, Liquid, Gas) Students will have a Kahoot review in class and will have a cumulative test over Matter this week.

Reading: We are beginning our new fiction series unit. Students will be learning about character relationships, feelings, behaviors, and motivations across a chapter book series. 

Writing: Opinion Writing

Social Studies: Landforms

Important Dates:

Dec 2nd  Core Essential Trait: Pink/Compassion
December 3rd CiCi Pizza Night 4-9
December4th Golden Ticket Talent Show
December 5th Cookies with Santa 9:30-11:30
 December 11th- Word Study Test

Teacher Talent Show

Only students with 100 Golden Bird Tracks can attend this event.
They must also be able to keep track of these bird tracks. Students can earn bird tracks for making good choices at school and for being organized. Once they turn their 100 golden bird tracks into their teachers they will gain access to the teacher talent show!! If they do not earn enough for the talent show- that's ok! They can still spend their bird tracks at the bird track store.

December 5th (Saturday) Cookies with Santa from 9:30-11:30 am! Come make memories with Santa, photos, and treats!

Monday, November 23, 2015

This Week

Happy Thanksgiving!

No Homework this week!

Next Student Event: Friday December 4th 

Teacher Talent Show

Only students with 100 Golden Bird Tracks can attend this event.
They must also be able to keep track of these bird tracks. Students can earn bird tracks for making good choices at school and for being organized. Once they turn their 100 golden bird tracks into their teachers they will gain access to the teacher talent show!! If they do not earn enough for the talent show- that's ok! They can still spend their bird tracks at the bird track store.

Ask your child how many bird tracks they have??
Ask them how many they still need to get to 100??

December 5th (Saturday) Cookies with Santa from 9:30-11:30 am! Come make memories with Santa, photos, and treats!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nov. 16-20

-Math Worksheet
Please have your child getting on FASST Math at least 3 times a week at home. Any extra time please have them  getting on and working on the assigned tasks there. Students have usernames and passwords for both of these.
-Reading Log Homework, Study Sight Words Assessment 4
-Word Study Homework

What We Are Learning This Week

Math: This week in math we will be looking closely at when to add and subtract when given word problems. They will be actively moving around the classroom answering questions with peers. In addition to working with peers, students will be assessed individually on their ability of using the UPS model (shown below), as well as, adding and subtracting. Below is an example of what is expected of the kids when they are given a word problem.

Science: We will be looking closely at the physical properties of Matter and how they can change. Students will have an interactive lab this week where they will get to make pancakes in the lab to see this change in a real life scenario.

Reading: Main Idea and supporting details, and introducing summarizing a Nonfiction text.

Writing: Students will be writing their own topic for"All About Books".

Social Studies: Students are learning about the 3 different government leaders: Mayor, Governor, President

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week of November 9-13

Week of November 9-13

Math: Math Worksheet
Reading: Reading log. 
Writing: Word Study Homework
Study Sight Words(Assessment 4) Test November 30th

This week we are learning:

Math: This week students will be decomposing numbers to help them solve subtraction problems.
For example, 32-31 is 30+2 and 30+1 so 30-30 is 0 and 2-1 is 1 so the difference is 1. They will be using manipulatives at first when decomposing and then will move ahead without them by mid-week. Students will be doing a great deal of problem solving this week with both addition and subtraction and will be able to to use any strategy that they choose including the original algorithm which will be taught this week. Students will also be going to review stations to continue to work on previous taught skills such as place value and adding using an open number line.

Science: This week students will be classifying matter by physical properties including shape, mass, temperature, flexibility, as well as determine the state of matter. (Solid, Liquid, Gas) Students will be actively involved in a lab this week where they will be able to compare changes in materials caused by heating and cooling. This whole week will be dedicated to the different changes that can be made to matter.

Reading: Students will be learning about main idea and supporting details in Non Fiction

Writing: Students will be brainstorming ideas and start drafting for their next All About Book (self-selected topic). 

Social Studies: Students will be learning about the responsibilities of a President, Governor and Mayor

Important Dates:

Nov 11 Veterans Day Program 8:45 a.m.
Nov 13 Rodeo Day at Golbow
Nov 16 Chili's Spirit Night 4-9Nov 25-27 Thanksgiving Holiday
November 30th- Sight Words Assessment # 4

Dec 11th- Word Study Test

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week of November 2-6

Math: Math Worksheet
Reading: Reading log. 
Writing: Word Study Homework
Word Study Test This Friday!!!!! See words "types" below, 
Study Sight Words(Assessment 4) Test November 30th

This week we are learning:

Math: This week students will be decomposing numbers to help them solve addition problems.
For example, 32+31 is 30+2 and 30+1 so 30+30 is 60 and 2+1 is 3 so the sum is 63. They will be using manipulatives at first when decomposing and then will move ahead without them by mid-week.   Students will also be going to review stations to continue to work on previous taught skills such as place value and adding using an open number line.

Science: This week students will be classifying matter by physical properties including shape, mass, temperature, flexibility, as well as determine the state of matter. (Solid, Liquid, Gas) Students will be actively involved in a lab this week where they will be able to compare changes in materials caused by heating and cooling. They will have a test over Matter on Thursday. We will be reviewing in class for the test on Wednesday.

Reading: Main Idea and Supporting details
Writing: informational writing in "All About" books. 
Social Studies: Laws/ Three Branches of government

Important Dates:

Nov 6- Word Study Test
Nov 6- Fall Festival 5:00-8:00pm
Nov 25-27 Thanksgiving Holiday

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Festival Sign Up, Parent Portal, Year Book!!

We need help at the Fall Festival November 6th from 5-8 pm! Sign up to help at a game station! Sign up for 2nd grade parents only! Sign up below!!! Remember if you sign up to help for 2 hours you get 15 tickets free!

Order Your YEARBOOK!

Order the yearbook now at the lowest price for $23! Order before December 18th to save $4!

Parent Portal

Parents, there is a new link on our KISD website in the parent portion of the site.
Under the tab titled “CURRICULUM”, please press the link titled A VIEW INTO ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION that contains the following information:
¨ Videos describing balanced mathematics and balanced literacy
¨ Pre-K through Grade 5 mathematical instructional videos on a variety of topics
¨ A sample intermediate Word Study Lesson sequence
¨ Parent resources for Word Study and Fine Motor Skills/Handwriting
¨ Access to Elementary Coordinators for parent questions regarding instructional videos

Week of October 26th

Week of October 26th- October 30th


Two sided Worksheet
The worksheet is broken down into days (Monday-Thursday) for the children to complete. Questions on the homework are over skills that we still see the children struggling with in class.  Due Friday

Students will be given a review for their checkpoint test on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Please go over this with your child before the test.

Reading: Reading log. We need a parent signature and students to write a sentence that tells about the book each night.
Writing: Word Study Homework Word study test Nov 6th and Study Sight Words 

This week we are learning:

Math: Students will be problem solving with numbers up to 500 this week. They will compare and order them as well as discuss if they are even or odd. This week the children will do many hands on activities to help them see the proper place value of larger numbers. Students will have a review during class on Thursday for the checkpoint test that will be given on Friday. There will also be a review that will go home with them for the checkpoint this week.

Science: This week we will be classifying matter by physical properties, including shape, relative mass, relative temperature, texture, flexibility, and whether material is a solid or liquid.

Reading: We will be introducing Non Fiction and comparing with Fiction. 
Writing: Students will start informational writing in "All About" books. 

Social Studies: We are learning about what government is and why it is important.

Important Dates:

This week is Red Ribbon Week:
Monday- wear red
Tuesday- wear Superhero attire
Wednesday- Wear favorite team shirt or spirit shirt
Thursday- Wear Neon Colors
Friday- Dress like your favorite book character.

October 28th- Picture Retake day
October 28th- Writing Gallery
October 29th- Principal and Parent Learning walk 8:45
October 30th- Book Character Parade
October 30th- Big Kahuna Fundraiser Delivery 4:30-7:00
Nov 6- Word Study Test

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sight Words Test on Monday!

Sight Words Test (Assessment 3) this Monday!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week of Oct 19th


Two sided Worksheet
The worksheet is broken down into days (Monday-Thursday) for the children to complete. Questions on the homework are over skills that we still see the children struggling with in class.  Due Friday

Reading: Reading log. We need a parent signature and students to write a sentence that tells about the book each night.
Writing: Word Study Homework Word study test Nov 6th and Study Sight Words (Sight words Assessment 3 test Oct 26th Click here   

This week we are learning:

Math: Students will continue to practice adding and subtracting two digit numbers using an open number line. Students will also start working with word problems that include numbers up to 500. This week the children will do many hands on activities to help them see the proper place value of larger numbers.

Science: This week we will  be discussing different objects in the sky such as the sun, stars, moon, and clouds. We will look the closest at the moon over the next few days. Students will have a lab over the moon sometime this week in the science lab.

Homework: Two sided Worksheet
The worksheet is broken down into days (Monday-Thursday) for the children to complete. Questions on the homework are over skills that we still see the children struggling with in class.  Due Friday

Reading: We will be introducing Non Fiction and comparing with Fiction. 
Writing: Students will start informational writing in "All About" books. 

Social Studies: We are learning about what government is and why it is important.

Important Dates:
Oct 20th- Author Day (Have your child bring a sack lunch if possible). They will still eat in cafeteria but students will be on a very tight schedule.
Oct 20th- Literacy Night!  All parents are invited to come learn about ways you can help your child with reading at home. Come to rm 54 (Mrs. Burleson's Room). 

Oct 26- Sight Words Test
Nov 6- Word Study Test