Monday, November 3, 2014

Week of Nov. 3-7

Happy November! 

Homework: Daily Math Homework, Word Study Practice, Reading 20 min every night / reading log. All homework is due this Friday. Click the homework tab for more information on the blog.

This week we are learning:
Math-Comparing and ordering numbers up to 500, even and odd.

Homework Answer Key

Reading- Student will learn about how to preview Non Fiction texts, how to make connections to Non Fiction books they read.
Next High Frequency word assessment coming up on November 11th. Click link below to review for test.

Writing-Students are writing Non Fiction books about animals they selected. 

Word Study: Test this Friday (11/7) We are going over long i words 
Parent Word Study Calendar
Long i word games, games created from Katyisd Word Study Calendar:

S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import
S-Test | V-Test | Teach | Games | Import

Science-Moon Phases

Social Studies- Students will study land forms and bodies of water.

Important Events Coming Up: 
Check out the Important Dates tab on the left.