Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring Carnival Next Friday! Be a Volunteer!

Click below to help at the Spring Carnival! 
Sign up to get in on the fun! Volunteer in any designated slot for two+ hours and receive 15 GAME tickets as thanks. Your help is needed and greatly appreciated!
(All Volunteers will be given a Raptor Badge)
DATE: 4/17/2015 (Fri.)
LOCATION: Golbow Elementary

Homework: Math Page from Workbook pg 879/663
Word Study Practice 
Reading passages packet
Reading 20 min every night
Study new sight words 
This week we are learning:
Math-2D shapes and attributes

Reading- Author Study

Writing-Opinion writing

Word Study--oo, oi, oy
Please view our Parent Word Study Calendar (2014-15) 

Social Studies- natural and man made resources

Science-Life Cycles