Monday, February 29, 2016

Week of February 29th-March 4th

Math: Workbook pages 173-174 and 81-82
Reading: Reading log 
Writing: Word Study Homework 
Social Studies: Study for Test Friday
Study New Sight Words Assessment #7
Bring in field trip papers and $4.00

This week we are learning:

Math: This week in math we will be reviewing how to represent different numbers up to 1200. Students will be able to read numbers up to 1200 as well as write them in expanded , written, and pictorial form. Students will have an assessment over numeracy later on in the week.We will be doing a great deal of problem solving this week. Students will have time in class to solve mixed addition and subtraction word problems without regrouping. They should be using the UPS strategies that we are going over in class.  In addition to numeracy we will begin to look at addition of two digit numbers with regrouping. This will be towards the end of the week and students will get to work with manipulatives  to see the changes being made within the addition sentences. 

Science: We will be continuing our unit over natural resources. Students will be able to identify natural resources and discuss how we can conserve these resources. Students will have a hands on lab with Mrs. Sustaita sometime during the week. 

Reading: Students will be taking a reading test on Tuesday and will be introduced to poetry later on in the week.

Writing: Students are taking written TELPAS tests. This assesses students language proficiency.  

Social Studies: Students will be learning about famous historical figures and inventors. Students will be having their test this Friday.  Click here for study guide.

Important Dates:
March 1st Return Field Trip Permission Slip
March 4th Social Studies Test (Click for study guide)
Word Study Test March 25
April 13th (Wednesday) Field Trip to the zoo

Field Trip April 13th
On April 13th, we will be taking a trip to the Houston Zoo. The cost of the field trip will be $4.00. District employees and students must ride the bus. If a parent has volunteered to be a chaperon they must have a raptor tag created at school first and then drive themselves to the field trip. Siblings are not allowed to attend the field trip. 

*Permission slip needs to be returned by March 1st.

Yearbook information for websites/emails:

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Living Museum in the Library Tomorrow

Living Museum Schedule in the Library Tomorrow (Friday, February 26th)  
Mrs. Burleson Homeroom: 1:45-2:15
Ms. Kris Homeroom 1:45-2:15
Ms. DeBlanc Homeroom 1:45-2:15

Mrs. Hunter Homeroom 2:30-3:00
Ms. Breaux Homeroom 2:30-3:00
Mrs. Cruz Homeroom 2:30- 3:00

Remind students to bring their costume to school and they can change after recess. See you there!! 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week of Feb 22-26th

Math: pages 161-162 149-150
Reading: Reading log 
Writing: Word Study Homework 
Study/ Memorize Historical Figures Speech
Bring in field trip papers and $4.00

This week we are learning:

Math: We will be reviewing writing and comparing numbers to 1200. Students will be practicing placing number on a number line as well as showing numbers in different ways. For example, 132 could be represented as 1 hundred, 3 tens and 2 ones or it could be shown as 13 tens and 2 ones.  

Science: Students will have a magnet quiz early in the week. We will then begin our new unit over natural resources. Students will be distinguishing between natural and man made resources.

Reading: Finishing Research and memorize historical figures speech. 
Your child will be responsible for picking one historical figure to research and present for our 

Writing: Same as above (This is a cross curriculum project)

Social Studies: Students will be learning about famous historical figures and inventors. 

Important Dates:
February 25th Class Picture, Spring Individual pictures
February 26th Living Museum
February 27th DI tournament
March 1st Return Field Trip Permission Slip
April 13th (Wednesday) Field Trip to the zoo

Living Museum Schedule in the LIbrary
Mrs. Burleson Homeroom: 1:45-2:15
Ms. Kris Homeroom 1:45-2:15
Ms. DeBlanc Homeroom 1:45-2:15

Mrs. Hunter Homeroom 2:30-3:00
Ms. Breaux Homeroom 2:30-3:00
Mrs. Cruz Homeroom 2:30- 3:00

Spring Pictures this Thursday!

Field Trip April 13th

On April 13th, we will be taking a trip to the Houston Zoo. The cost of the field trip will be $4.00. District employees and students must ride the bus. If a parent has volunteered to be a chaperon they must have a raptor tag created at school first and then drive themselves to the field trip. Siblings are not allowed to attend the field trip. 

*Permission slip needs to be returned by March 1st.

Yearbook information for websites/emails:

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15th-19th

Math: pages 711-712, 533-534
Reading: Reading log 
Writing: Word Study Homework 
Word Study test this Friday!
Sight words Assessment #6 February 22nd

This week we are learning:

Math: We will be reviewing writing and comparing numbers to 1200. 

Science: We will be studying magnets and how they are used in everyday life.

Reading: Over the next few weeks second grade will begin a major project over a historical figure. Your child will be responsible for picking one historical figure to research and present for our “Living Museum” in the Golbow library on Friday, February 26th starting at 1:45pm.  See schedule below**

Writing: Same as above (This is a cross curriculum project)

Social Studies: Students will be learning about famous historical figures and inventors. 

Important Dates:
February 19th Word Study Test
February 22nd Sight words test
February 25th Class Picture, Spring Individual pictures
February 26th Living Museum

Living Museum Schedule in  the Library
Mrs. Burleson, Ms. Kris, and Ms. DeBlanc
Mrs. Hunter, Ms. Breaux, Mrs. Cruz

Yearbook information for websites/emails:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

*Friendship Day*

We were recently notified that students will not be permitted to pass out treats for Friendship Day. However, it is fine for the students to pass out cards. Thank you for your understanding.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Week of Feb 8th- 12th

Math: Math Worksheet over time to the nearest minute
Reading: Reading log 
Writing: Word Study Homework 

This week we are learning:

Math: We will continue our unit over time. Students will be able to read and write time to the nearest one minute increment using analog and digital clocks and distinguish between a.m. and p.m. This week we will be focusing closely on telling time to the nearest minute. Students will also have a great deal of practice telling time to the nearest half hour, as well as, read clocks to the nearest 5 minutes. Students will have a great deal of hands on time with clocks this week and homework to the nearest minute. 

Science: We will continue our unit on force.  Students will have many hands on labs where they will get to trace the changes in position of an object over time such as a cup rolling on the floor and a car rolling down a ramp. Furthermore, they will be comparing patterns of movement of objects such as sliding and rolling and spinning. Friday they will have a short quiz over force and motion.

Reading: Over the next few weeks second grade will begin a major project over a historical figure. Your child will be responsible for picking one historical figure to research and present for our “Living Museum” in the Golbow library on Friday, February 26th starting at 1:45pm.  They will begin researching an online data base and with various library books starting February 1st.  On Friday February 26th, they will present their historical figures in the “Living Museum” so they will need to bring props and an outfit representing their figure. (For example: A student representing Walt Disney could wear a suit and bring drawings of cartoons.) Parents will be allowed to visit and press their “buttons” to hear students speak about their historical figure. Students will do all required research as school.

Writing: Same as above (This is a cross curriculum project)

Social Studies: Students will be learning about famous historical figures and inventors. 

Important Dates:
February 9th Progress Reports  go home
February 12th PTA Meeting 4:15
February 12th PTA movie night @ 6:00pm
February 26th starting at 1:45pm
February 14th Valentines Day. Students may but do not have to bring friendship cards to be passed out at the end of the day. No classroom lists can go home. Only the number of students in the class. February 25th Class Picture, Spring Individual pictures

Yearbook information for websites/emails:

$25 for a limited time

Monday, February 1, 2016

This Week

Math: Math Worksheet
Reading: Reading log 
Writing: Word Study Homework 

This week we are learning:

Math: We will have our checkpoint over financial literacy, measurement, and area on Monday. We will then start our unit over time. Students will be able to read and write time to the nearest one minute increment using analog and digital clocks and distinguish between a.m. and p.m. This week we will be focusing closely on distinguishing from a.m. and p.m. activities. Students will also have a great deal of practice telling time to the nearest half hour, as well as, read clocks to the nearest 5 minutes.

Science: We will begin our unit on force.  Students will be taking down vocabulary over the topic as well as have many hands on labs where they will get to trace the changes in position of an object over time such as a cup rolling on the floor and a car rolling down a ramp. Furthermore, they will be comparing patterns of movement of objects such as sliding and rolling and spinning.

Reading: Students will be learning how to take notes/ research/ record in their own words.

Writing: Students will be writing about historical figures.

Social Studies: Students will be learning about famous historical figures and inventors. 

Important Dates:
February 1st- Parent Ipad Information Meeting @6:00pm
February 9th Report cards go home
February 12th PTA movie night @6:00pm
February 25th Class Picture, Spring Individual pictures