Important Events This Week: 2nd Grade Parent Orientation this Thursday, Sept 11th from 6:00-7:00 pm
Homework: Math pg 809-810, Word Study Worksheet, Reading Log 20 min every night. All homework is due this Friday. *Remind your child to turn in their reading notebooks and writing cover for their folder.
Reminders: Please sign or initial your child's planner and conduct card daily.
Homework: Math pg 809-810, Word Study Worksheet, Reading Log 20 min every night. All homework is due this Friday. *Remind your child to turn in their reading notebooks and writing cover for their folder.
Reminders: Please sign or initial your child's planner and conduct card daily.
Math-Students will be doing tally charts and bar charts, introducing place value, ones, tens, hundreds
Reading-We are planning our reading goals, learning how to read with a partner and reading independently. Students will be able to make connections to the books that they love.
*Remind students to turn in their reading notebooks with reading timeline completed in the first two pages..
Writing-Students will be writing about a memorable story or moment in their lives.
Word Study: We are learning short i, o ,u words.
Please view our Parent Word Study Calendar (2014-15) This is not a word list, however is a great tool for you to study with your child for the 'types' of words that will appear on the test. Also here is a game created from the katyisd word study curriculum that focuses on word study word types for the entire year.
*These websites are located under the Website Resources link on our website.
Science-Students will be able to identify important functions of the heart lungs and brain.
Social Studies- Students are learning about urban, suburban and rural
If you are interested in joining PTA, please send check or cash for $7.50.
Please remember to check planners and conduct cards daily-both need signature or initials.