Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year and Welcome Back! (Week of Jan 6-9)

We hope you had a wonderful holiday break and a happy new year!

Reminder: Class Picture Day is this Thursday Jan. 8

Homework: For Math homework, students need to get on Fast Math. A half sheet went home on Tuesday explaining how to log on. Word Study Practice, Reading passages packet for homework, Reading 20 min every night., study new sight words. All homework is due this Friday. Click the homework tab for more information on the blog.

This week we are learning:

Reading- Nonfiction Text Features, Main idea and detail, How-to/Procedural Texts

Writing-How-to/Procedural Texts

Social Studies- Goods and services, consumers and  producers

Math- Telling Time

Important Events Coming Up: 
Check out the Important Dates tab on the left.