Monday, February 2, 2015

Week of February 2-6

Hello Fabulous 2nd grade parents!!!

Homework: Math Page from Workbook pg 107, 108 and 113-114   
Word Study Practice 
Reading passages packet
Reading 20 min every night
Study new sight words 

This week we are learning:
Reading- Realistic Fiction and Literary Non Fiction

Writing- Procedural Texts, Lab Reports

Word Studyu_e, ue

Social Studies- Producers and Consumers (don't forget to remind your child to bring supplies needed for class producers and consumers project!)

Science- light, sound, vibrations

Math- Comparing Numbers, greater than, less than, ordering numbers, for example: students should be able to order these numbers greatest to least and least to greatest 
825, 925, 1,025 ,725, and 1,125. 

Important Events Coming Up: 

Check out the Important Dates tab on